Isnin, September 27, 2021
TURKI MOVIE: Mutluluk Zamani
Ahad, September 26, 2021
Tajuk: Kiralik Ask (Rented Love/ Love for Rent)
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama, Life
No of Episode / Durasi: 69 (2 season) 2 jam 5 minit
Cast: Baris Arduc, Elcin Sangu, Salih Bademci, Sinem Ozturk, Nergis Kumbasar, Levent Ulgen
Sinopsis: A waitress named Defne Topal finds herself in a love game when she needs money to pay her brother's debt. Defne looks after her grandmother, her younf sister and her older brother because her father abandon them and after her mother left them for another man. One day, a man named Omer Iplikci kissed her abruptly because he wants to save himself from a blind date which his aunt arranged fir him. Unknown to Defne and Omer, Omer's Aunt, Neriman saw the kiss. After that, Neriman comes with an offer to Defne to marry and then leave the man she rented her for Neriman is ready to give 400,000 liras , but Defne only takes the money she needed (200,000 liras) and accepts the offer to save her brother from the people he is indebted to. She starts as an assistant near Omer Iplikci, unaware of the fact that he is the man who kissed her until she sees him on her first work day. She has 6 months to marry and then leave him, but she wasn't aware enough and accidentally fell in love with him!
Jumaat, September 24, 2021
Allahuma solli ala muhammad Alhamdulillah selesai sudah giveaway kita yang tamat dua hari lalu. Sebenarnya nak buat cabutan pemenang secara live. Tapi ada masalah tertentu, kita cabut guna je laaa.
Mesti korang ternanti apa suprise dia kan? Alhamdulillah sekali lagi, Aien terima kasih kat korang sudi support, dan tak sangka boleh lebih daripada 20 orang. Dan Aien niat kalo lebih daripada 20 orang, akan ada 5 hadiah untuk 5 orang yang bertuah.
Siapakah mereka? Jom kita cabut!!!
Tahniah buat para pemenang! Gitu, huruf besar. Haha Jangan marah ye. Buat mereka yang sudi join, jangan sedih jangan nangis, Aien masukkan korang semua dalam Suprise Team Read List di sebelah atau di bawah nuuu. Kan, Aien cakap, nak revoke bloglist yang lama. Nah, terima kasih korang sudi jangan bloglist Aien jugak. Kot ada yang tertinggal tu boleh la kabo ye. Konfius cek..
Dan ada dua suprise lagi untuk lucky nombor. 💕
Nombor 1 -Ain Athirah
As the earliest support giveaway. Tanda semangat dia join awal-awal.
NOMBOR 29 - Tiara Sapphire
As my lucky twentynine. Hehe
Sebab apa? Sebab my birthday! Gittuuuu..
Dah dah dah.. Ikutkan hati ni, nak je bagi semua. Haha Doakan Aien murah rezeki lagi, kita boleh buat giveaway lagi.
Para pemenang boleh WHATSAPP ME your details k. In shaa Allah postage hadiah akan bermula bulan 10. Sorry lambat tau. Hadiah suprise kena la lambat sikit. 😌 Nak prepare lawa-lawa gituuu..
Jumpa lagi di next giveaway. 😘